
My thoughts, documented..

HTTPS-related Concepts

Yet another note

🔥 Spring Data REST - Notes


👍 JavaScript: Battle Scars

Learn from my mistakes!

Nifty Non-Stream Java 7, 8, & 9 Features You Might Have Missed

A cheatsheet

🔥 Checklist for Restful API Design

Things You Must Know as a Backend API Developer

Java 9 - Notes

What's New in Java 9

Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud

Part VIII: Setting Up Reservation Client (Edge Service)

Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud

Part VII: Setting Up Reservation Service (Domain Specific API)

Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud

Part VI: Setting Up Hystrix Dashboard

Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud

Part V: Setting Up Zipkin Service

Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud

Part IV: Setting Up Auth Service

Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud

Part III: Setting Up Eureka Service (Service Discovery & Registration)

Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud

Part II: Setting Up Config Service

Microservices with Spring Boot & Spring Cloud

Part I: The Big Picture

What 3 habits can transform my life completely?

Drink, Sleep, Pray

Effective Practice

TED-Ed Recap

Trying AWS Lambda

Documented Steps

How I got AWS Certified in 1 month (part-time)!

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Developer Associate

Peter Thiel's Zero To One Book Recap

Notes on notes on startups

Boston Matrix for Your Skills Portfolio

A Reflection

Setting Up Spring Boot Dev Tools in IntelliJ IDEA

For Automatic Restart and Productivity Boost

GTD & Inbox Zero

How to supercharge your productivity

Crispy Coding

Yet Another Coding Guideline

My Git Cheatsheet

It's in my Gisthub..

TypeScript vs. JavaScript When Using Angular 2

Which one should you use?

Formatting JSON in command line

Python json.tool to the rescue!

My First Post

Github Pages Rocks!

How The Economic Machine Works - Recap

A summary of an excellent video by Ray Dalio

How to find work you love - Recap

A summary of a motivational TED talk by Scott Dinsmore

5 ways to kill your dreams - Recap

A summary of an intuitive TED talk by Bel Pesce